Spring-Summer 2016
- Awaylee
- Black Spoon
- Boundless
- C. Colectare by Sicong Liu
- C.J. Yao
- C.T. Liu (Taipei In Style)
- Carrie Hammer
- Christophe Terzian X Nn
- content
- Fabitoria
- Fake Natoo
- Ffixxed Studios
- Galatea
- Gioia Pan (Taipei In Style)
- Hui by Eran Hui
- I Love Pretty
- Inés Fresedo
- Jade en Plus
- Just for Tee
- Laboron
- Living On The Left
- Mikumkum
- Moodbox
- Museum of Friendship
- Nicole Zhang
- Ports 1961
- Reineren
- Su.GuangYu
- Tarik Ediz
- The Square Presents
- this
- Tina Gia
- Wan Dian
- Wang Feng
- We couture
- Yalanka
- Ye's
- Yiwen Studio
- Zhang Yuhao
- Zhuchongyun